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Rachel Feltman

Bacteria aren’t so bad after all

Life could exist, but it wouldn’t be so pleasant without them

Dragonfly ESP

They perfectly predict their prey’s future movements

Man! I feel like such a fool

Tongue-in-cheek study shows men aren’t exactly geniuses

Kingly question put to rest at last

Tests confirm remains were Richard III’s

Blu-rays could help make world greener

According to a new study in Nature Communications, the patterns etched onto Blu-ray disks could be harnessed in the engineering of solar panels. Blu-ray disks get their vibrant hu...

Comet landing may reveal secrets of past

Throughout human history, comets have been distant, mysterious heavenly bodies. The hunks of rock and ice streak through the sky, streaming bright tails of gas as the sun warms them. ...

Probe set to land on comet

10-year mission reaches climax today

Takeoffs may have limited pterosaurs

According to a new computer model, pterosaurs (more commonly known as pterodactyls) had no trouble flying despite their massive size. Taking off, however, posed a big problem – and it probab...

Plastic beads from face wash pollute rivers

Tiny balls of plastic from cosmetic products are showing up in river sediment for the first time, mixing with the rocks and dirt that line the bed of the Saint Lawrence River. Because scient...

For some teens ‘distractions’ help them focus

For some teens ‘distractions’ help

Jet lag may make you fat

Gut bacteria’s activity changes

Scientists find water on planet

Seven hundred and twenty-nine trillion miles away, a planet four times bigger than our own has water in its atmosphere. Of course, the planet is a super hot bundle of gas surrounding a tiny ...